重溫網上崇拜 – (可於崇拜當日下午往 YouTube 觀看)
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請按此報讀 門徒訓練 MasterLife registration form
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事奉人員招募 – 我們需要更多弟兄姊妹投入事奉的行列,若神讓你對附件的事奉崗位有負擔,請與我們聯絡,盼望可以在主裡互相服事,擴展天國。
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守聖餐人數統計 – 根據會章規定,以守聖餐的會友平均人數來訂定會友年議大會的「合法人數」。如果你這月份有守聖餐(包括會友或非會友),請通過以下途徑登記資料:直接連線 bit.ly/HolyCom-EFCA 。 如需協助,請聯絡教牧、執事或司事。
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Jesus Christ our Lord gave His disciples the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. In obedience to Him and out of our love for Him and for people, we build up disciples who would build up other disciples. We need to be more than a church with some disciple making ministries. We need to be a disciple making church.