






In his will God has put EFCA in the North Shore area of Sydney. Although a local church, we are part of God’s grand plan for his church, as laid out so clearly in the Book of Acts and in the “body” concept so vividly described in the New Testament.

Our vision, therefore, is to build a healthy growing church on the North Shore, and by the grace of God, we will strive for both qualitative and quantitative growth.

We believe God has a great plan for EFCA as a sizable church in the community in the North Shore area, and we believe that for us to realise God’s purpose for our church, we will do well with a bigger home church as a base for reaching into the community, allowing for growth as well as drawing people into God’s family to glorify God.

We believe that church growth is not by human efforts.    God is the one who adds people to the church (Acts 2:47). We are to proclaim, evangelize, nurture, build up and care for the flock, and God is the one who causes the church to grow (1 Cor 3:6). By God’s grace and under God’s guidance, we will fulfil our calling to be faithful and wise servants of the Lord. We work, and God accomplishes.

The Bible says God has given us different spiritual gifts for the development of his church. This is so true at EFCA. Although at different developmental stages, our three congregations have sought to develop ministries to suit their respective needs, all for the sake of building up the body. Surely we will develop more ministries to reach out to more people and provide more avenues for exercising God-given gifts.


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