
年報 21 年 9 月 – 認真思考網絡宣教 – 鄺偉志牧師

網絡宣教,其實可說是一個開始「老舊」的題目:還記得二十五年前神學畢業後,教會界經常討論的話題是如何做好一個屬於教會的「網頁」。到了十幾年前Yahoo Blog出現以後,筆者就嘗試做 Blogger,直至幾年後Yahoo Blog「執笠」。早在十年前左右 Facebook 開始盛行,筆者已投稿香港的基督教週報《時代論壇》嘗試探討,如何利用社交網絡軟件去作傳福音。多年以來,討論了那麼多,到了現在還需要討論「網絡宣教」嗎?我的答案:不單需要,相比以往的日子,更是不能不談!在後疫症年代,教會要有效進行福音工作,需要再認真思想在「網絡宣教」的問題!
要在網絡宣教,留意趨勢,善用資源也是一個很大的問題。從單純爭奪網頁domain和使用ICQ社交軟件的那些年,到了今天盛行WhatsApp, Facebook,IG,Twitter,Tiktok,ClubHouse,Google,YouTube等如海量的「自媒體」趨勢,全球的網絡地圖和地貌,經已大大改變,而人們使用網絡的行為亦改變了不少。我們要細心思考辨識,各種社交媒體,網絡社交軟件等各種不同的功能,是否真的能有效成為一個宣教有效的媒體工具。從中評估其有效性,在適當時候用不同的工具,甚至掌握脈搏,轉換平台,這是第一種辨識力。另一種辨識力,現在網絡世界的假新聞 (Fake News) 充斥,使人不辨真假,需要懂得分辨;還有一種辨識力,就是在網絡上發表甚至言論,才不會觸及「紅線」,因為一些地方的法例,容易以言入罪,在限制言論自由的處境,傳播宗教也可視為有罪。
「玩爛了」的社交網絡:再從 Facebook 交友談起
使用網絡傳福音,常聽到有一個策略,就是使用 Facebook 等社交網絡軟件,聯繫不同的朋友,甚至期望接觸不同的新朋友或陌生人,讓人透過了解你的想法,或可進一步建立關係,並向他們傳福音。不瞞各位讀者,十年以來的經驗卻告訴我們,要在網上建立真誠信任的關係,絕不容易!例如,兩個本來不認識的人,在網絡上結交認識,可是因為 Facebook 的建立戶口的政策過於寬鬆,並不需要你提供真實的名字,這導致很多的假用戶出現,所以在該平台所結交到的朋友的關係是相當薄弱,相信大家都聽過相關的騙案。另一方面,各種異端(尤其「東方閃電/全能神教會」),大量使用這個漏洞成為網絡傳教大軍,以表面看似正派的形象的 Facebook Page,卻由非常神祕的用戶操作,著意去接觸不同 Facebook 的用戶,起初使很多人以為這些新朋友是正統教會的基督徒,背後原來卻是異端!正因為以上的原因,日子久了,加上這些公司的公信力也每況愈下,人們就逐漸對這些社交網絡軟件失去了信心。筆者自己也嘗試過在網絡上與一些陌生朋友傾談接觸,發現不方便一下子過於進取地直接傳教,並且在網絡世界,對方只要不回應,已經很容易表達拒絕。
就以YouTube為例,有不少教會及牧者選擇以YouTube或其他類似平台為傳播福音的橋頭堡。一方面,相比以往要錄製有質素的影片,現在的技術成本可以非常低,使用一般會議軟件已足夠做到有一定質素的影片。此外,YouTube一直以廣告收益營運,也不收取YouTuber任何費用,包括存放多少影片的硬件成本,故此可行。再者,按一般趨勢的評估, Google和YouTube現在搵佔市場,在十年之內應該仍是一個很有效的平台。所以若多一些基督徒以不同的身份,分享在生活見證,或在信仰上不同的體會,以生活化的話題去接觸不同的群眾,這策略值得考慮。事實上,不少異端已在這平台建立了不少山頭,魚目混珠,讓人真假不辨,非常危險!筆者個人認為在這契機中,必須有多些帶福音使命的基督徒一起努力。
首先,在澳洲華人大都是移民的群體,人在外地,人生路不熟。上文說到在網上不容易建立信任的關係,不過在 Facebook 的一些移民圍爐群組中,較容易找到支援,同聲同氣,彼此不認識的人,較容易在該些群組中進一步建立實質關係。筆者認識一位牧者和信徒,主動參加不同的群組,慢慢認識了一些新移民人士,在適當時間參與群組舉辦的一些實體活動,開始建立了關係之後仍能保持,甚至邀請回教會聚會。另一個例子,有青年工作者帶著愛網絡遊戲的弟兄姊妹,透過「打機群組」認識新朋友,成功將好些本來只會以「虛擬身分」亦人的年青人招聚,並邀請他們參與適合他們的活動,建立實體的友誼關係。另有一位肢體,她是屬於一個國際性的藝術網絡的成員,在網上素與一群同行者交流,她是透過本身已有的網絡,去接觸行內的朋友,這種已有的關係因彼此已有互信,餘下來的問題,只是教導這位姊妹如何有效分享信仰,卻不讓人覺得太硬銷而已。就是這樣,她也帶領了一位在國外的朋友在網上決志信主,並成功鼓勵該對象參與當地的教會。
網絡媒體是工具,是一個非常 powerful 的工具,以緊貼時代的觸覺,以真誠傳達真理,卻是不變的原則。而網絡宣教與實體宣教,不是彼此衝突,互相競爭,乃是互相配合,相得益彰。筆者喜見有福音機構開始探討「網絡宣教士」的訓練事工!我們實在要爭取更多機會,在網上作宣教傳福音工作,不讓異端或很多離奇古怪的道理充斥網絡,佔盡市場。我們年青的下一代正是生於網絡時代,如何招募這些新一代作網絡宣教,也是一個重要課題。讓我們一起努力!

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Serious Thoughts on Internet Evangelism
“Internet evangelism” is a rather old topic that began at least about 25 years ago, with the discussion on how to make a good website for a church gradually progressing to the creative use of blogs, until they grew out of fashion and had their place taken by Facebook, which in turn saw a wane in popularity after a period and seems likely soon to be succeeded by something else. As a topic we have already heeded so much over the years, does “internet evangelism” still need to be discussed any further? My answer is a definite “yes”, and compared with the past, the need to discuss it is even more imperative – especially in view of the post-pandemic era.
Internet Evangelism that Keeps up with Time must be Discerning
Internet evangelism for the present day must be discerning in at least two aspects. The first is to be discerning about trends and use of resources. There are so many social media available now (e.g. WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, Clubhouse, Google, YouTube, etc.) that the entire internet geography has changed – and it is likely to keep changing, not only the virtual landscape but quite obviously the cyber-behavior of people as well. We need to understand well the nature and functions of different internet media, evaluate their effectiveness as evangelistic tools and be discerning with their pulse for flexible, versatile use. The second is to be discerning about truthfulness and precision. The internet these days could be filled with fake news, and one needs to be able to tell the true from the false; equally important is the discernment to express ideas and opinions in ways that will not overstep any line – red or otherwise – so that evangelism can be conducted within a region on solid, legal grounds.
A Brief Look back on Facebook – and What can be Learnt
For some reason, where has been a widely-held belief that Facebook should be a great evangelistic tool, because Christians can easily reach out and spread the gospel through the extensive networks of friends there. However, experience has told us that building genuine and trusting relationships on a social media like this is not easy at all! This may partly be due to the fact that Facebook accounts need not bear real names, and the fact that there have been numerous cases of fraud and swindling on this media certainly does not help build trusting relationships there. Besides, heresies often hide behind such account names and build Facebook Pages to attract unwary Christians, who then run into grave risks of exposure to false teachings or worse.
New Imagination of the Internet Evangelist
Despite the challenges above, internet evangelism still abounds with great opportunities. Whether we like it or not, COVID-19 has ushered everyone into the era of New Normal, where most people are made attuned to watching videos on their mobile phone or computer, as well as interacting online even in contexts of virtual face-to-face meetings. A big difference from the past is that the age groups now accustomed to doing all that have been widened, and now even aged people know how to access online video clips.
Take YouTube as an example, which many churches and pastors have already made wonderful use of. First, to produce good-quality videos for upload to YouTube has become much easier and less costly with the great advancements in technology and equipment. Second, it almost costs nothing to host a channel on YouTube – and based on their current market share it is safe to project that YouTube should still remain an effective online platform in the next 10 years to come. As such, it would be very useful if more Christians can make use of this channel to share their testimonies in their Christian life, or their faith-based insights into different issues they face in everyday living. This is especially important when heresies have already made much headway in building their strongholds this way, so we must put in our share and work very hard together in order not to fall behind.
The Unchanged Direction to Build Concrete Relationships from Virtual Ones
Internet Evangelists must remember that the ultimate goal is to build a concrete relationship that involves face-to-face caring and genuine interactions. Maybe the examples below could serve as some kind of reference.
Chinese immigrants in Australia often have a visible presence on Facebook via different “Groups”, particularly for social and emotional support. Some pastors or believers will join these Facebook groups to get to know these new immigrants and join some of their activities. After some time, the relationship can be taken further and might involve invitation to church for gatherings, social or otherwise. Another example is a youth worker leading other Christians interested in video games to join some internet or forum groups devoted to virtual computer games. When the trust is built, some people may be willing to jump out of their virtual gamer identity and respond to invitations to church activities, thus gradually becoming part of the physical community.
Meanwhile, it must be added that the use of meeting software has become a highly effective strategy in reaching out to people in the COVID era. There have been examples where church brothers and sisters – after receiving training in online “evangelistic bible study” – have successfully led people to the Lord; and what is even more encouraging is that, within half a year, a concrete face-to-face interpersonal relationship was built with two new converts, who in turn led all their family members to receive Christ and get baptized into His church! Examples like this clearly show the usefulness of meeting software if appropriately used, maybe even for purposes of “home visit” or follow-up. The ultimate goal of evangelism is to make true disciples (Matt 28: 18-20); therefore, bringing people completely to the Lord, leading them to build a concrete relationship within the body of Christ and helping them become part of church community is of utmost importance.

Internet media is a very powerful tool. Having said that, our principle remains unchanged: be sensitive in keeping with the times, be genuine in communicating our truth. Whether evangelism is done virtually or via direct physical contact, both are not competitive but rather are complementary. It is delightful to see there has been recent discussion on “internet evangelists” – and indeed we need to grasp the opportunities well and not let various heresies fill up major footholds with their strange talk and misguided teachings! Let’s work together, hopefully with the help of more believers of younger generations to help spread the Word in this fast-paced digital age.
(*Acknowledgement: English Synopsis by Dr. Vaughan Mak King Tong)

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年報 20 年 9 月 – 在多變世情中作「基督徒/門徒」的挑戰 – 鄺偉志傳道





我們不要忘記,昔日教會初期在羅馬帝國發展的過程,是充滿血與淚。當時基督教被認為是一種新興的迷信,身邊的異教徒及政權,以敵意的謡言、公開的恐嚇和搞擾,有一段時間,因為基督徒在當時是非常特別的一群,作為一個基督徒,竟然就是犯法的理由![1] 到最高峯的大肆逼迫,包括捉拿監禁、酷刑殘害,慘不忍睹……可是因著信徒的堅毅,吊詭地,那時是基督教歷史上,信徒增長最快的年代。到了今天,歷史重演,世上愈來愈多地方,在信仰上的自由愈來愈被限制,相信基督,並認真跟隨基督的價值觀者,就面對需要付上代價的抉擇。在這大時代,我們面對歪理橫行,公理顛倒,邪惡暴力,世俗引誘等等各類壓逼,我們走上作主門徒的路,就將要面對巨大的壓力和挑戰,逼迫也會以不同面貌臨到我們。故此,在今天作主門徒,必須具備敏於聖靈與良心的清醒,更須擁有「雖千萬人吾往矣」的決心與勇氣。另一方面,從我們今年粵語事工所查考的《傳道書》的亮光看,在現世複雜的世事與時務中,我們卻又要在多變的世情中,學懂如何在特定時機中靈活掌握從神而來的智慧,才能恰如其分地見證真神。誠然,跟隨主、作主門徒,勇氣與智慧,決一不可。


[1] Larry W. Hurtado, The Destroyer of gods: Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2016), p22.

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The challenge of being a “Christian/ Disciple” in this changeable world

Pastor Richie Kwong

COVID-19 must be the hottest term and is on everyone’s lips in 2020. We may notice that there have been disputes over the naming of this virus, either in Chinese or English. Is it Wuhan virus? Or New Coronavirus? Every name has its unique implication. That leads me to re-think the naming of our identity: “Christian”, “Disciple” or “Saint” and so on. All those names are reflecting different aspects of Christian truths and values, which are actually Christian basics. But in this pandemic age of chaos, what is the real meaning of being a “Christian” or “Disciple”?

Firstly, being a “Christian”. The name of “Christian” actually was a name with a negative connotation, given by the non-Christians in the early church times (Acts 11:26). The “Christian” was viewed as a bizarre cult by the Romans at that time. They condemned Christ Jesus as a deceiver, a sorcerer and a fanatic Jew. Today, do we feel honored to be a “Christian”? The non-believers nowadays may see “Christian” as an obsolete, dogmatic and hypocritical religious fool. Some of them view us in this way because they have got bad impressions from their Christian friends or bad examples from public Christian figures. Being a “Christian”, are you aware of what impressions you have given your relatives, friends and colleagues?

Another name is “Disciple”. A disciple is one who follows his/her teacher or master. He/she learns and does everything that the master has taught. A disciple may imitate his/her master in many ways like a duplicate version of his/her master. The word “disciple” also has the meaning of imitation and succession. If you think you are a disciple of Christ but having no one to be your follower or successor, I can tell you that you may not be a “real disciple of Christ” and you should repent! 

Nevertheless, Jesus explained the deeper meaning of being a “disciple”. In Luke 14:27, “Whoever does not take up his cross and come after me may not be my disciple.” “Take up his cross” means a genuine devotion to God with sacrificial spirit and willing to endure hardship. Without any challenges, one’s motivation will become relatively weak, and it is hard to learn to be a faithful “disciple” in a comfort zone. 

Let’s not forget the path of blood and tears that the early church has gone through. In the first few centuries, the Roman authority and the pagans attacked Christians with hostile rumors, public threats and harassments. There was a time that “being a Christian” itself is a criminal offence! [1]  At the climax of persecution, Christians were jailed and tortured, but paradoxically it was the fastest growing time of the church because of the Christians’ perseverance and testimonies amidst persecution. History seems to be repeating now; many churches are under restrictions or even persecutions all over the world especially in totalitarian countries. In this epoch, we can see violence and evil everywhere, sometimes we cannot tell right from wrong, even justice is twisted. We should prepare to face the pressure and pay the price when we are trying to stand firm on the right side or speak the truth from our consciousness. As a disciple living in this complex world, what we need is determination, courage as well as wisdom from God. ‘To be the Lord’s Disciple’, it should never be just a slogan. Are you ready to be a real “Christian” and “Disciple” now?

[1] Larry W. Hurtado, The Destroyer of gods: Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2016), p22.

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