

Your can donate through the church offertory collection by specifying that the donation is for the “CBF (short for church building fund)”.

現金  Cash Deposit
Cash can be deposited at any Westpac branch. The church bank account information is as follows:

銀行名稱  Bank: Westpac Banking Corporation
分行號碼  BSB Number: 032 091
戶口號碼  Account Number: 35 1813
戶口名稱  Account Name: Evangelical Free Church of Australia Inc
PayID (ABN): 19 452 290 664

如果您從澳洲境外的銀行帳戶轉賬,您可能還需要提供 SWIFT 代碼。這是“WPACAU2S”。
If you are making a transfer from a bank account outside of Australia, you may be asked to also provide a SWIFT Code. This is “WPACAU2S”.
電子資金轉賬  Electronic Funds Transfer 
When using electronic funds transfer, please use the church bank account information as above, and enter the following transaction reference code. Most banks will allow users to enter information about the transfer.  If you are not sure, please check with your bank.  If you can enter the transfer reference code, please use the following format:

If you are participating in the English Ministry EM-CBF-[Your Name]
If you are attending SWITCH. YM-CBF-[Your Name]
如你是參加粵語堂的  CM-CBF-[你的英文姓名]
如你是參加國語堂的 MM-CBF-[你的英文姓名]
支票  Cheque
如果使用支票奉獻,支票抬頭請寫:Evangelical Free Church of Australia Inc,在存入支票前,請將支票副本電郵至教會([email protected])  並注明支票奉獻作建堂基金用。
If applicable, please make cheques payable to: Evangelical Free Church of Australia Inc, and prior to depositing the cheque, make a copy and send to the church office ( [email protected] ) and state its purpose is for the Church Building Fund. 
請自行保存奉獻記錄  Please keep your own record of the offertory transaction
如果由於某種原因 518 購堂計劃被暫停或不能繼續,並且您希望教會退還建堂基金奉獻,即使您沒有教會正式收據,執事會到時會作出適當安排。為此我們建議您在奉獻時保留自己的記錄。
If for unexpected reasons the church building project is suspended or cannot proceed, appropriate arrangements will be made if you would like a refund of your offertory amount deposited into the Church Building Fund for Project 518.  It is still possible to request a refund even if you do not have an official receipt from the church, but we suggest you keep your own record when submitting your offering. 
預計在 2024 年 6 月中之後的奉獻金額  Offertory amounts expected after mid-June 2024
如您預計 2024 年 6 月中之後才能存入的建堂基金奉獻金額,請索取填寫奉獻金通知表,並請在表上註明奉獻作建堂基金用,奉獻金額和大約日期,將填妥的表格交回教會辦公室。奉獻金通知表也可以在教會網站上找到。
For Church Building Fund faith offering amounts expected to be available after mid-June 2024, please complete in the Offertory Notification Form, specify the amount, purpose as “Church Building Fund”, and the approximate date of deposit, and return the completed form to the Church Office.  The Offertory Notification Form is also on the church’s websites. 
Please contact the following Deacons for questions and assistance relating to your pledge submission:
粵語堂的 Felix Tang 鄧梓恩執事(執事會司庫)  WhatApp: 0414 887 338   電話:0428 212 840
英語堂的 Leo Pang 彭慶裕執事(執事會副主席)  WhatApp / 電話:0414 878 398
國語堂的 Stanley Xie 謝佳水執事(執事會財務秘書)  WhatApp / 電話:0490 677 157