EFCA Cantonese Sunday Worship Service Live Stream

Many brothers and sisters are unable to attend Sunday worship at Zenith Theatre due to the coronavirus situation. Regular worship time with God is important. We do not want brothers and sisters to miss out.

We are working hard to enable live streaming of the 9am worship service on the coming Sunday (9th February 2020). Many technical details still need to be resolved. Please bear with us. Our plan is to trial live streaming from 9am on Facebook and YouTube. Detailed information can be found on this web page



If live streaming does not work, we will try to upload audio recording of the entire worship service on the church website as soon as possible to allow brothers and sisters to worship at home.

# 靈福堂廣東話崇拜網上直播


我們將於2月9日試驗網上直播9am崇拜。現在仍有許多技術細節需要解決。若直播未能完善,請多多包涵。我們計劃由上午9:00試用 Facebook 和 YouTube 直播。詳細資料可在此網頁找到 [xxxx]。
